
A quest is a journey toward a specific mission or a goal:

a difficult journey towards a goal, often symbolic or allegorical.



A quest is a form of Rites of Passage. It honours and marks the transition from one a phase of life into another: welcoming a new beginning and to let go of the old to affirm a change, to assist a passage which may be difficult, to call something new into your life. It creates a bridge, shifting the old and shaping the new.


Any Rite of Passage includes 3 stages:

Letting go from the old


Integration into the new

Rites of passage have been used in many forms for thousands of years by people all over the world. Some transitions naturally occur, like birth, puberty, old age and death. Some are earned, given or chosen like marriage, separation, graduation, promotion, becoming an elder and many more. It is important to mark and celebrate these important transitions in life and our ancestors knew this very well.

A Quest of any kind is a heroic journey. It is a rite of passage that carries you to an inner place of silence and majesty and encourages you to live life more courageously and genuinely
— Denise Linn

One of the most important yet undervalued transitions in our lives is childhood to adulthood. Cultures around the world have always known that this point in life is of great importance and it has been marked and celebrated in many extravagant ways. This Rites of Passage will almost always include some form of test, challenge or quest to allow young people to be initiated into the next phase of life, adulthood.


At Project Rewild we believe this tradition should be upheld and our children should be empowered to make a mark, to have their quest, and be seen by their elders and celebrated, a moment when they can say “I did this” before moving into the next phase of life.  

Our Quest will allow young people to embark on a wilderness challenge which will fully test their skills and capabilities helping to ceremonially transition from the old towards the new safely. A quest will only come at the end of a yearlong training when fully ready to embark on this journey.