At Project Rewild we are passionate about helping people grow food in a sustainable way. We have our own community allotment which is available during our free community growing groups. We are also creating permaculture allotments in schools across the area.
So what is Permaculture and why is it important?
Permaculture uses growing methods that co-operate with nature, to create a harmonious balance, planting vegetables and pollinator attracting flowers together to work symbiotically. This alliance from companion planting provides Food, energy, shelter and protection from other organisms without using chemicals or methods that damage and disrupt the environment.
It provides a system that we can grow organically, in a less harmful way to the planet and re-educate ourselves to become aligned with our habitat. Less intervention is needed in growing so we can be more productive with less effort. We use no dig methods so as not to disturb organisms within the soil but rather feed and nourish it with organic matter which we can then plant into.
To find out more speak to Polly or Claire: polly@projectrewild.co.uk