Step out of the hectic, overcrowded busyness of the “Doing” world and step onto the ancient woodland floor with bare feet. Stop, take a breath, breathe in clean air and let the energy drop from your head.

Project Rewild’s adult work is about to begin. Happiness is not something we can “achieve” through striving to obtain the latest devise, car or house. Happiness is a state of being we naturally move into when we are truly content with where we are in the present moment. Living in the fast-paced, all-consuming modern-day world can leave us feeling stressed, anxious and exhausted which leads to burnout.

Working in rhythm with the natural earth cycles; the seasons, the elements, and our senses, Project Rewild offer a series of adult workshops, groups and events. Learn new skills, whether your interest is drawn towards the physicality of bushcraft, whittling, or wild fire lighting. Or maybe you want to fully Rewild yourself through nature immersion, turning towards your instinct by engaging your senses and intuition. Being in nature can help us unwind the overburdened mind. Project Rewild has something for everybody.


Whats on?


Grow is a group for women, offering the chance to spend time outside in nature on a Hastings allotment. Using sustainable permaculture methods we grow food together, forage herbs, and make medicinal teas and balms. We also spend time connecting with our senses through Nature-Based mindfulness meditation.

There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that gardening reduces stress and improves wellbeing. So we grow food for well-being! Our group offers women a space to feel free and secure to open up, learn new skills and importantly to take risks and grow their self-esteem and confidence.

New dates starting March 2023: Click here.

Take Action Man

Project Rewild is working with MIND Hastings to improve the mental health of men particularly between the ages of 30-59 years.

Take Action Man offers local men the opportunity to get outside in the towns wonderful natural spaces, get active, learn new skills and spend time together talking, supporting and helping one another.

The project aims to deliver a community based approach to supporting men’s mental health by working closely with services who support men and engaging with men in the community to identify their needs and empower them to shape the delivery of an ongoing outdoor activity men’s group.

Ongoing monthly groups: Click Here

Fireside workshops

Our fireside workshops are the perfect opportunity to take a day out from our face-paced stressful lives. Join us around a fire in a local Hastings woodland to learn new skills and spend time with others in a safe outdoors setting

In January we have a run a whittling workshop and basket weaving. New dates for workshops coming soon…


Project Rewild director Dr Daniel Ford has been part of developing this exciting new 'Rewilding Educators Programme'

We believe that the best way to transform education is on a person-by-person basis. We want to rewild from the bottom-up and from the inside-out. By working with educators, in a deep and personal way, we believe that we have the best chance of being able to change education. Whoever you are and whatever type of education you are engaged with, this programme starts with the person that you are and the kind of educator that you want to become.

The Rewilding Educators programme takes place over nine months. It is a radical, questioning, and challenging programme, starting online and building toward an immersive five-day wilderness camp.

Find out more here: Our Story - Dr Max Hope & Dr Dan Ford (